
Welcome to my blog! I think this is the first one I’ve ever had where I haven’t maintained some level of anonymity, but it’s time. I have a variety of interests and you might find posts on all of them here eventually!


I’m a developer, a CS student, a homeowner, an avid hobbyist, and a dedicated cat mom. 🙂 I am a bit of a jack of all trades – if there’s something I can learn and do for myself, I will figure it out! I have a ridiculous assortment of tools, sewing machines, computers, and cat toys scattered throughout my house.



CS Related

Programming! Languages, frameworks, best practices, etc.

Development Environments

Linux References

SAP Resources

Interview Prep

This is how I’m studying for interviews, currently password protected and still in progress. Linked here for my convenience and if you ask really, really nicely I might share the password. 🙂

Technical Interview Prep Resources

Interview Prep Outline


Sewing Resources

Someday Sewing Projects


Keto Recipes not a long list right now, but it’ll grow. 🙂