Holy pictures, Batman!

Today I’m having flashbacks to when I tried designing this site with the pictures of mine I had on hand now and let me tell you, that was not a stellar experience. I have some great nature pics but nothing was composed quite how I needed it to be at the time. I’ve currently accepted that there aren’t fun pictures separating the sections but someday I might decide that I care again and when I do, what happens? I wasn’t sure until today when I found Unsplash. It’s an amazing collection of free pictures these gracious photographers have shared with us.

To be fair, I did not find this myself. It’s used in this excellent course I’m slowly working my way through. But working through that course is a slow process because for most of it I feel like this:

Distractions are so, so welcome.

Also, I’m sick. Horribly so, have been since about halfway through the drive home for my family’s Christmas dinner. I’m hoping that tomorrow I feel human enough to grace my coworkers with my presence without feeling like I’ll be sharing the plague that one of them already undoubtedly bestowed upon me. We’ll see how that goes, but I have some things I really, really need to get done tomorrow morning regardless. I’m also pretty sure as a result of this sickness my writing sucks, as does my ability to use my brain today. Good thing this post is more about the links than what I have to say. 😉

So if I’m braindead, why did I just spend a couple hours on this course? I’m not really sure, but probably because it’s mostly review so far and I’d hate myself if I tried to do it under better conditions. 🙂 However, I highly recommend it as a quick intro to web dev. It’s far less painful than freecodecamp ever was and showed me some pretty things fairly quickly so my easily distracted self stayed hooked in. If you’re feeling like “I want to make a thing” and start out by building a website that doesn’t look like it belongs in the ’90s, start with this Udemy course. I mean, it’s not free, but if you pay more than $10-15 for it you’re getting ripped off. Wait a few days and try again before you do anything too crazy.

ETA: I’m now told of this one too. There are lots of cute kitties here. <3 https://www.pexels.com/ 

And this one: https://pixabay.com/

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