Here I go again, with more determination now that it matters! I need to start working on my project but that’s pretty tough without a dev environment. 🙂
These are the commands I needed to run as root (via sudo):
$ dnf install make gcc-c++ gdb
$ dnf install qt5*-devel
$ dnf install qt-creator
After this step I still don’t have any valid kits. I read a bit more on the link I’d found and realized I needed to fix the default Desktop kit. See how it has the warning symbol:
When you scroll down, you can see that it says “invalid” for the Qt version:
On the stack overflow post I found they mention this being a specific problem for fedora. Typically qmake is linked in automagically based on where qmake is found, but when you run this, it returns nothing:
$ whereis qmake
On Fedora, it has a different name. Next I tried this, which is what was suggested and successfully found an install:
$ whereis qmake-qt5
qmake-qt5: /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/qmake-qt5
Now that qtmake has been found, it can be manually added in Qt Creator. To adjust it, go to the Qt Versions tab. Where it says qmake location, hit Browse to go to where whereis said it was located, which for me was /usr/bin/qmake-qt5. I hit Apply and OK.
Ctrl+B to build and Ctrl+R to run and it works!
*Please note that all pictures are clickable for a larger view!
My saving grace:
Thank you! You’re, at least, a Byte Smart Assy!
In QT Creator Version 4.10.2 (Fedora 31) the tab “kits” in “built & run” has its own menu on the left side, above “built & run”.