
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday with my family. It has always been an event with them, not just a meal. So much so that I was Black Friday shopping with my mom 5 years ago – myself less than a week post-appendectomy and her having just had her chemo port inserted. We are very appreciative of the transition to online sales and don’t go out anymore. 🙂

I still enjoyed it this year, but it wasn’t without some painful reminders. I didn’t realize going into it just how much pursuing a postbacc degree in CS half time would consume my life. I spend a lot less time than some of my peers on actually doing the classwork and I still feel like I’m drowning on a regular basis. My friends have all been pretty great and understanding throughout the process but I’m realizing now that most of my family just doesn’t get it. Grandma even made the comment this morning during breakfast of, “So, what are you going to do when you get home?” I just laughed, and she said, “I suppose sit on your computer.” “Yeah. It’s not because I want to; it’s because I have to.” Work, do homework, eat, sleep, feed the cat. Rinse, repeat. I thought all my years of experience with school would have prepared me, but I was wrong. I’ve come to accept that it’s a sacrificial time of my life that I just have to get through. I swear I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone but I’m just forgetful because I have too much going on right now. :'(

All that said, I am extremely thankful for the friends I’ve made in the program that keep me sane and on track on a daily basis. I couldn’t do it without them.

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