What have I gotten myself into?

This week has been about figuring out scope and design – so truly, defining what I’ve gotten myself into with this project. 🙂 It’s difficult to project how long something is going to take when you’ve never worked with it before, so I’ve given myself a list of milestones I expect to actually get through by the end of the quarter with some more complex stretch goals that I can get into if time permits. Continue reading “What have I gotten myself into?”

Setting up Qt Creator on Fedora 27

Here I go again, with more determination now that it matters! I need to start working on my project but that’s pretty tough without a dev environment. 🙂

These are the commands I needed to run as root (via sudo):

$ dnf install make gcc-c++ gdb
$ dnf install qt5*-devel
$ dnf install qt-creator

After this step I still don’t have any valid kits. I read a bit more on the link I’d found and realized I needed to fix the default Desktop kit. See how it has the warning symbol: Continue reading “Setting up Qt Creator on Fedora 27”

Project Time!

As promised, I’m going to be writing about my independent study project. I’m thinking I might write about it here along with my weekly status reports. As of right now, it’s but an idea. The plan is to extend the TCP chat program I wrote in networks to have a GUI for the client and add features as I am able in the bit of time allowed for this ~50 hour project. I was hoping to practice with Python, C++, threading, and learn a GUI framework so I think this will be a solid project for that. 🙂 So far, I haven’t even managed to get Qt Creator installed correctly, so it’ll be interesting.

It’s not the end, just the beginning of something new!

It is the eve of my final quarter at OSU and I’m feeling surprisingly tranquil about it. I look back over the last two years and it’s amazing how much my life has changed, for better or worse, in that time. My health has pretty well gone to shit, but that’s on me. Stress and a tendency to overextend myself is not great for trying to keep up some sort of diet and exercise routine. In any other way I can think of though things are so much better.  Some I can’t talk about here but it’s incredible what opportunities have been opened up for me. Had someone told me I would be any of these things would happen in two years of school, I’d have told them they were nuts:

Continue reading “It’s not the end, just the beginning of something new!”

Time to recharge

Happy staycation to me! Of course, I’ve already started researching things for capstone next week but I’m taking some time to relax – and sleep! Many naps are in my future this week. ?

Happy Pi Day!

Once a math nerd, always a math nerd. 🙂 Today I am grateful for my cousin for making this pie for Thanksgiving a couple years ago – and sharing the recipe. It’s been supporting my bad habit of making my pi day pie after I get home from work for two years running. I decided to make it with graham cracker crust too for added simplicity and I think I almost prefer it that way!


Of course pi day isn’t just about pie! I used to show this clip to my students, although way back then I had to cut down my own since it wasn’t popular enough yet. 🙂

This was shared by a friend on Slack this morning and it had been far too long since I’d last read it.





Colored console output wasn’t something I ever really explored until this quarter, so I thought I’d share how easy it actually is and how I’ve set it up to be simpler for me and easier to read!

These are the codes I’ve set up:

#define SET_BOLD_RED        "\033[1;31m"
#define SET_RED             "\033[0;31m"
#define SET_BOLD_GREEN      "\033[1;32m"
#define SET_GREEN           "\033[0;32m"
#define SET_BOLD_YELLOW     "\033[1;33m"
#define SET_YELLOW          "\033[0;33m"
#define SET_BOLD_BLUE       "\033[1;34m"
#define SET_BLUE            "\033[0;34m"
#define SET_BOLD_MAGENTA    "\033[1;35m"
#define SET_MAGENTA         "\033[0;35m"
#define SET_BOLD_CYAN       "\033[1;36m"
#define SET_CYAN            "\033[0;36m"
#define RESET_COLOR         "\033[0m"

To use them, you want to “print” them to the console. So to make something red, I’d print SET_RED, then the text, then RESET_COLOR to set it back to normal. Pretty simple and most importantly, readable!

printf("%sRed%s\n", SET_RED, RESET_COLOR);

Bad quality screenshot example 🙂

Source I learned from:

Adding Color to Your Output From C