I was hoping to get further this week, but I have a lot to learn about Qt Creator and I’ve had some crazy life circumstances that I’ll eventually get to talk about here. ? My capstone group comes first, so I have the mockups below and the very beginnings of a Qt GUI that I may or may not be creating the right way. I’ll have to make up some time on it as things start to settle down a bit again for a few weeks. Continue reading “Design and build Qt GUI”
What have I gotten myself into?
This week has been about figuring out scope and design – so truly, defining what I’ve gotten myself into with this project. 🙂 It’s difficult to project how long something is going to take when you’ve never worked with it before, so I’ve given myself a list of milestones I expect to actually get through by the end of the quarter with some more complex stretch goals that I can get into if time permits. Continue reading “What have I gotten myself into?”
Setting up Qt Creator on Fedora 27
Here I go again, with more determination now that it matters! I need to start working on my project but that’s pretty tough without a dev environment. 🙂
These are the commands I needed to run as root (via sudo):
$ dnf install make gcc-c++ gdb
$ dnf install qt5*-devel
$ dnf install qt-creator
After this step I still don’t have any valid kits. I read a bit more on the link I’d found and realized I needed to fix the default Desktop kit. See how it has the warning symbol: Continue reading “Setting up Qt Creator on Fedora 27”
Project Time!
As promised, I’m going to be writing about my independent study project. I’m thinking I might write about it here along with my weekly status reports. As of right now, it’s but an idea. The plan is to extend the TCP chat program I wrote in networks to have a GUI for the client and add features as I am able in the bit of time allowed for this ~50 hour project. I was hoping to practice with Python, C++, threading, and learn a GUI framework so I think this will be a solid project for that. 🙂 So far, I haven’t even managed to get Qt Creator installed correctly, so it’ll be interesting.